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More Able Learners

Most Able students (formerly known as 'Gifted and Talented') have been defined as those students who have one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with the potential to develop these abilities).

Most Able pupils are those who will exceed the expectations for their age group, either in all subjects or just one. The Most Able are a diverse group and their range of attainment will be varied; some do well in statutory national curriculum tests or national qualifications. However, being Most Able covers much more than the ability to succeed in tests and examinations.

Most Able students comprise around 5-10% of the population at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls.

How do we identify Most Able students

Our Most Able students are identified on entry to WPSFG using the information held by primary schools about that student’s learning and achievements in Key Stage 2. We use this information to make sure we provide students with the right level of challenge. Our Most Able students will be identified on entry by:

Having a Key Stage 2 fine score in maths and English of 110+


Having a CATS test score in the top 10% nationally


Showing exceptional attainment in a range of subjects in the first term of Year 7.

The register of Most able students is reviewed and updated regularly during the academic year, based on hard and soft data. Most Able students are not removed from the list if they are underperforming, instead additional interventions are agreed for these students. Pupil Premium grant money is allocated for this if students are eligible.

We have developed a culture of high expectations for students and teachers so that the quality of curriculum delivery, teaching and assessment in both foundation and core subjects is high. This begins with identification based on Key Stage 2 data, rigorous target setting and careful tracking and intervention.

Able students from disadvantaged backgrounds:

We help students and families to overcome socio-economic and cultural barriers to attending further and higher education. Some of our More and Most Able students come from homes where no parent or close relative has  experienced progression to university. Using the PPG (pupil premium grant) we engage proactively with the parents or carers of these students to tackle this challenge and students are provided with ‘enhanced’ curriculum provision; access to cultural and social activity; and personalised support.

What are the opportunities and events for Most Able students

There are many opportunities for Most Able students including:

  • STEM club
  • Debate Mate club
  • Maths Puzzle club
  • Programming club

At Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls we run a variety of extra-curricular activities to help to support and develop our 'Most Able' students.  If you would like to find out more about the activities available, please use the click here to fill out the contact form and connect with the relevant Heads of Department.

Suggestions for Parents / Carers in supporting your able child

Puzzles, crosswords, logic games, word games, card games and board games all help to develop thinking skills while encouraging social interaction

Encourage your child to ask questions about a variety of topics and respond as honestly as possible but admit if you do not have the answer

Encourage free time through physical exercise or activities

Encourage wider reading

  • Provide an effective learning environment at home
  • Take an active interest in their school work (including homework)
  • Encourage discussion and questioning about their education
  • Visit museums, galleries and exhibitions
  • Provide a suitable range of information/resource material to study from
  • Praise achievement and progress
  • Provide the opportunities for extra-curricular development
  • Actively encourage their hobbies
  • Do not always focus on your child’s obvious strengths, encourage them to sample new activities

Choosing a University

Choosing a university is always an exciting, yet overwhelming, experience. Get familiar with the process now.  To start thinking about options and places of study, visit Russell group

Contact Us

Birchdene Drive
SE28 8RF