Keeping your child safe
Please find below some useful links and resources for parents/carers on how to keep your child safe. These resources cover a range of topics including mental health and wellbeing, online safety and what to do if you are worried about a child.
Online Safety
Children start using computers, phones, tablets etc. at a very early age and are using the Internet more and more, whether it is at home, at school, on their phones or on a games console such as Xbox or PlayStation. However, the misuse of these types of technology poses potential dangers, and it is important that we as adults are aware of the dangers, minimise the risks and provide information to safeguard the community, particularly children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
- Cyberbullying – bullying or being bullied using any of the above-mentioned technologies.
- It could include sexting, stalking and harassment.
- Inappropriate content – being sent, or being invited to view, unwelcome content, e.g., sexual/pornographic/violent/hateful/racist/homophobic/self-harm content.
- Scams/Fraud – being targeted with the intent to obtain money illegally.
- Could include asking for personal details such as address, DOB etc.
- Grooming – unwanted approaches of a sexual nature/with sexual intent or with the intent radicalise or recruit into illegal activity.
- Overuse of technology, including all mobile devices and the Internet
- What you can do:
- Only allow your child a maximum of one hour a day on their computer
- Only allow your child to use a computer at home under supervision i.e., in the living room instead of their bedroom
- Set parental controls on all devices (including the TV)
- Give your child a basic phone, not the latest model.
- Encourage your child to talk to their friends face to face and have them round to the home, not just to communicate on social media.
- Monitor your child’s phone regularly and follow the advice given specifically for phones on the previous pages
useful links for parents/carers - online safety
Virgin Media - Children's Online Safety Test
Virgin Media: To get you up to speed on the things you should be keeping an eye out for, check out our Children’s Internet Safety Test below, and keep on top of how your little ones are making use of the World Wide Web.
UK Council for Internet Safety - Child Safety Online
Child Safety Online: A practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media
Screen Time and Healthy Balance Quick Activities | Childnet
A collection of quick activities for use with 7-16 year olds to help explore the concept of screen time.
Who is looking after the children? - YouTube Video
An FT drama starring Jodie Whittaker, Paul Ready , Shaniqua Okwok, looks at online harm, regulation and responsibility. The search for their missing son leads a mother and father to a tech company, and a digital gatekeeper who seems to have all the answers.
A social media murder: Olly's Story - BBC News Article
It was only after Olly Stephens was murdered, in a field outside his home in Reading, that his mum and dad realised the violent and disturbing world their son had been exposed to through his phone. For BBC Panorama, reporter Marianna Spring investigates the role social media played in his death and exposes how a 13-year-old's social media accounts can be recommended violent videos and knives for sale.
nspcc - positive parenting leaflet
a guide for parents and carers - coping with self-harm
phone safety
support for parents/carers online
harmful content disguised as support
young carers information
rights for children
ways that a child may be cared for
thc & vaping - information for parents/carers
why do young people take drugs?
cyber bullying